Increase your room revenue by min. 20% in a year using dynamic pricing on room-type supplement

Let me show you how! It is simple and you can make a huge revenue improvement

Your room revenue potential is huge.

Unlock it during this training hosted by...

Radka Telyckova, who is Revenue Manager, Hotel Coach & Mentor empowering hoteliers & hospitality professionals to grow their revenue & long lasting profitability. 

And supported by Nikolaos Tsitsoulis, who is Senior Development Manager at OTA Insight.

A 2-part TRAINING EXPERIENCE including two excel sheets to calculate your revenue potential 

How can dynamic pricing applied on room-type supplement increase your revenue 
Where and how to check your pricing and pricing of your competition with single click.
How to calculate the potential revenue and how to implement it in your hotel and channel manager if you use one.

Imagine you are just one click away from identifying a new revenue potential.

Imagine to have an overview of your competision pricing.

Imagine you are able to calculate your missed revenue opportunity. 

Imagine this challenge is giving you an opportunity to experience the immediate results.

Imagine how great is to end the pain of manual work and replace it with automated process.

Imagine saving yourself min. 3 hours of your valuable time to create a spreadsheet to calculate your revenue potential



The holiday season is on fire!

Make sure that there are no missed revenue opportunities. 

I will guide you through this practical tip I have repeatedly used with my clients with great success.

  • Learn more about importance of dynamic pricing of room type supplement.
  • Recognise your revenue potential paying more attention to your room type supplements.
  • Check your pricing and compare your pricing strategy to the your competitors.
  • Calculate the missed revenue potential.
  • Test all learnings & findings immediately in your property.
  • See your revenue growing! Immediate results are foreseen.
Radka Telyckova, More Direct Bookings, Hotels, Hoteliers, Hospitality,
Grow your network. Add me on LinkedIn.

My vision is to empower hoteliers and hospitality professionals around the globe to grow their revenue and be (even more) profitable. I am a Hotel Strategist & Revenue Coach & Mentor with a clear focus on revenue management, demand generation, more direct bookings, and guest satisfaction.

It is my privilege to guide, teach and coach hoteliers how to apply the principles of dynamic pricing and revenue management for optimal results. I am fully committed to share my PMS, BE, CHM, RMS, CRM and ORM technology knowledge, revenue, sales and marketing expertise via various accessible educational platforms - conferences, online programs and toolkits. I want you to claim what's rightfully yours. I want you to have a healthy share of direct bookings, to manage a property where occupancy is optimized by attracting and converting the ideal guest. I want you to be a prosperous, successful, and much loved hotel - by guests and your employees.

I found myself to be also Early Adopter of Mindset Shift in Hospitality. Using NLP techniques, quantum physics learnings and energetics selling & marketing tactics and applying them into this amazing industry.

Increase your room revenue by min. 20% using dynamic pricing

on room-type supplement

Immediate access to the online training with following all excel templates, vidoe content and case study to learn and practice.

    Watch the training anytime you like. Access 24/7 and right after you sign up for this course in the mobile app or on your desktop. Feel free to watch it together with your team. Just one-time fee for property!
  • Training Session #1 (40 minutes)
    How can dynamic pricing increase your room revenue by min. 20%, introducing Radka's version of Maslow Hierarchie of Needs converted to the hospitality industry. Calculate in the real-time how much money you are leaving on the table. Your revenue potential is huge!
  • Maslow Hierarchy of Hotel Pricing Strategies
    Explores how Maslow’s theory applies to our pricing strategies, pinning down the various pricing strategies to creating a strong pricing foundation to achieve your revenue goals and KPIs. During the training, you will understand what kind of hotel pricing strategies you use and how you should structure the implementation of the dynamic pricing on room-type supplement.
    Revisit your current dynamic pricing and apply suggested strategy immediately & grow our revenue by about 20%.
    Real Example of two hotels which started to used dynamic pricing on room-type supplements. The hotel was opened in summer 2020. The revenue increase was impressive. Radka will introduce you two basis room revenue strategies to manage your demand in high season and stimulate your demand in low season.
  • Excel Sheet with basic calculation
    Learn & practice in real-time in your property. This spreadsheet can used for basic calculation for properties not using dynamic pricing at all. Ideal spreadsheet for independent hotels, small b&b properties or genius loci estates.
  • Excel sheet for advanced calculation
    Once you export from the rate shopper data of your hotel and your competition, you can use this excel sheet to simulate the revenue results - before applying dynamic pricing on room-type and after. This spreadsheet is suitable for hotel with advance revenue experience and being able to work with VLOOKUP function.
  • Downloadable Excel Sheets
    Both excel sheets are downloadable and the content is unlock. Feel free to use them. Creating both spreadsheets took 3 hours. Save yourself a time and use them immediately without overthinking how to calculate your revenue potential.
  • FREE ACCESS TO Rate Shopper
    Claim your 14-days free access to OTA Insight and check pricing of your property and your competition. Create a new strategy immediately, apply it and start generating more room revenue with our revenue tip shared in this training.

Make sure that you act immediately. Your investment of € 27 will skyrocket your skills and your revenue knowledge will grow. Your proven results achieved using our tip will improve your career path. You are worth it. 

Your success is equal to your courage. The power to affect your future lies within your own hands. 

My Clients Feedback

Thanks for great online training. I appreciate the detailed focus on dynamic pricing and revenue strategies combined with how this would be implemented in the hotel operationally. Even though I already knew what revenue management is and what is behind it, I was inspired by "new way of thinking" about pricing and the guest oriented approach.The new approach to market segmentation was very helpful for me. I welcomed the chance to hear the valuable experiences of other hotels and their questions during the training.
Hotel Casa Marcello, PragueVendula Gajova
We consider Radka to be an expert in the hotel industry. She monitors trends and technological developments, and always gives professional advice. She has already steered us in the right direction. Her non-traditional training style is very inspiring. The lessons are fun and lively and none of the students were at all bored!
Sivek Hotels, Prague Viliam Sivek, Jr.
We saw the positive influence of your training and advice within two months and we have continued to grow. We loved your training style and how you helped us think about what our hotel have to offer, who are our guests, what are the hotel's advantages and disadvantages, what we can do to improve and what are the steps to recognize the demand, attract the bookers and get better results. One of the hotel's biggest problems was receiving last minute reservations. You really showed us how to change our thinking so we can influence the guest to book earlier. Your approach helped us to achieve higher revenue in a very short time. Thank you.
Hotel Trakoscan, CroatiaZejlka Veronika Horvat


Get your revenue training right now

(297 €) 197€ *  

(For you today: save 100 € - and buy this course now) 

* Info for all properties in Germany - VAT will be added to the above price.

My Best Available Rate is only €197. Usually, in hotel revenue management best practice, we never inform the client when we will increase the price. Well, I should do the same but I will not (for now). Make sure you get my brand new training straight away.