Mindset & Direct Booking Strategies
will increase your Room Revenue
Drop all illusions of lack to gain direct bookings, activate your mindset and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
Direct Booking Strategy is very simple:
Don’t rule out OTAs Entirely, but never build your house on somebody else’s land. Mindset strategy about seeing the value.
How many “How-to-increase” tips or ebooks have you read or downloaded? Too many tips from technology hotel providers. You are asking yourself where to start and if this is the right tip for your hotel. Overwhelming, right? All tricks & tips and “how-to” will be successful for your hotel only if you put your mind into it.
Trust your mindset and shift in energy to guide you to start winning more direct bookings. Imagine that empowering your energy and the way you value your hotel and its offering, you will:
- reduce your monthly commission invoices
- start reconnecting with guests
- build your brand on guest satisfaction
- adopt tactics to achieve loyalty and increase of direct bookings
- increase lifetime value of your guests and upsell better

During this 5-session live online training you will learn the newest state-of-art in gaining more direct bookings. Change in mindset and shifting the energy to own direct distribution channels helped our clients to increase direct bookings and hotel profitability by adopting our no-cost and low-cost tips & tricks.
Own your Customer and do not leave all that credit to a 3rd party
Direct bookings is about seeing VALUE in WHAT YOU OFFER AND DELIVER
Whether you run a hotel, hostel, bed & breakfast, resort, serviced apartment, or an Airbnb business, you should consider direct booking as an ultimate way to increase profits. For doing so, you must plan some direct booking strategies that guarantee revenue growth plus a great guest experience.
What you already know:
Direct booking doesn’t mean ignoring the third-party booking platforms. In contrast, making a proper balance between receiving bookings from OTAs and your direct booking website must become part of your business strategy. But you need to compete with OTAs and attract guests to your booking platform by implementing the right direct booking tactics.
Yes, during the training, I will share, of course, proven tips helping our clients.
What you may sense:
Direct bookings are expressions of how you value your hotel, your time & energy, the time and energy of your colleagues. How you value the quality and service you deliver. Get rightfully paid for what you delivered. See and feel YOUR value. Without believing that you are able to achieve it, you never will.
Yes, during the training, we will activate your energy to start receiving more direct bookings.
Claim what's rightfully yours! Your Guests = Your Reservations Booked directly.
Direct bookings
- Direct bookings are about energy and mindset shift.
- Direct bookings are about you overtaking the responsibility for your results.
- Direct bookings are increasing your hotel profitability.
- Direct bookings are helping you to build your brand.
- Direct bookings are helping you to upsell better before arrival.
- Direct bookings are lowering the total cost by increasing the lifetime value of each guest.
- Thanks to direct bookings, the money remains in your hotel and is supporting your community.
- Direct bookings are rightful yours.

3* property with 45 rooms
2019 - 08% bookings via OTA
2020 - 02% bookings via OTA
as of 2021 is this hotel a pure direct bookings property
Room Revenue increased by 36 % in first 12 months
In another 18 months hotel increased RevPAR by 72%.
During the online training you will learn how the hotel achieved. Our proven process on how to achieve more direct bookings is structured into 3 stages. Put your mind into and use our knowhow in your property.
Travel is not about commodity anymore. In 2022 we are moving to VALUE.
Use Direct bookings to build your brand and boost your value.
Your hotel = your energy = your bookings = your guests.
And repeat.
Do not allow anyone to build THEIR brand on YOUR job! Do not allow anyone anymore to own your guests. Grow your success and build your brand with direct bookings. It is not the easiest part, but it is worth it. You are the only one who can create a great stay experience. Be the one using mindset and direct bookings to grow your business and long-run financial prosperity.
Are you ready to shift your mindset and gain more direct bookings?

Ebook with 50 powerful success-proven direct booking tips
Gain ebook with 50 powerful success-proven direct booking tips to increase room revenue.